Saturday’s Coffee Spin with Pat O’Grady departed the Old Lodge at the earlier time of 8:00. Kieran Murray plotted a nice 100k route out around Killaloe for a change of scenery.

The club ride had an early start on Sunday (8am) to avoid the heat and kudos to Neil Gillespie for hitting the road at 7am ☀️🚲👏

Our route decided led us out of Shannon – Sixmilebridge – Tulla and up over Maghera. We had some welcome relief from the sun with the mountain trees sheltering us while climbing ☀️
All up safely we descended as a group down towards Ballinruan and on to the coffee stop at Crusheen.
A nice steady pace home led us back via Quin where the discussion over the noisy bleepidy bleep lights was broken by a few bunny hops 🐇🚲
All in all it was a glorious day to be out cycling our bikes and having a bit of banter ☀️🚲CRNS, Cycling Club, Shannon, Co. Clare
If you would like to feel the sun on your face while cycling around our glorious countryside (promised) in glorious sunshine (short term promise🤣) then feel free to contact us Club Rothaíochta na Sionainne or Click Here.

We will also happily link up with any other clubs for a day of cycling so please get in touch for miles with smiles.